Who we are
Central Otago Clutha Trails Limited (COCTL) was incorporated as a charitable company in 2014 to maintain the Roxburgh Gorge Trail and the Clutha Gold Trail. COCTL is owned by the shareholders of Roxburgh Gorge Trail Charitable Trust and the Clutha Gold Trail Charitable Trust.
The purpose of COCTL is to supervise, finance, and maintain the pedestrian and cycle trail from Alexandra to Lawrence in order to facilitate and promote public use and enjoyment of this area.
The company receives income from Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for the purposes of maintaining the tracks. Additional, essential, income is received by donations from cyclists and selling advertising to support the marketing of the trails. Our financial reporting is available here.
The company has a volunteer board of five who meet monthly.
- Murray Alexander Paterson (Chair)
- Barrie John Wills
- Robert Alexander Roy
- Anna Mickell
Trail Manager
The trail is managed by Shayne O'Connor
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 021 371 677
COCTL have a range of roles for all types of volunteers. If you have the skills to clear trees or culverts we would love to hear from you, but we also need people who can undertake website maintenance, communications, marketing, sales and cleaning of on-track signage. If you would like to volunteer please email Shayne O'Connor.